Other Products

Fernus SEP (Selective Exam Preparator)

Fernus SEP is an easy-to-use platform developed for teachers offering a much easier way to prepare exams. Teachers can choose questions from a great bank put together by the publishers and using the print option, have a perfectly outlined exam at their disposal.

Fernus mLTA (Mobile Listening Transcription Applications)

Fernus mLTA is a mobile application that contains all the listening activities and their interactive transcriptions, providing language learners a convenient way to improve listening skills anytime they desire.

Fernus Multi-platform Online Examination System

Fernus Multi-platform Online Examination System uses the results from Fernus mOMR and makes it possible for students to take exams. Later, students can be evaluated instantly and reported via different platforms like PC, Mac, Android and iOS devices.

Fernus Multi-platform Online Examination System is used by more than 15 million students and it can prepare over 100 different types of reports for each user.

Fernus Educational Mobile Applications

Fernus company has developed various mobile applications for different age groups. These applications are employed for educational purposes and by combining attractive designs with fully functional interface and the content provided by the publishers, Fernus has successfully introduced entertainment into Education.

Fernus LMS

Fernus LMS is a learning management system (LMS) that serves many roles (administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, and delivery of educational courses, training programs, or learning and development programs) like all other available LMS only with more precision and delegacy.

Fernus EKA (Fernus Educational Kinect Applications)

Fernus Educational Kinect applications are developed for Xbox 360 Kinect devices, offering different scenario and opportunities based on educational concepts. Fernus EKA makes it fun!